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  6. Energy Hubs

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    16 Threads 21 Posts 99 Online viewers
    Last Post: Hun not connecting to meters by
    Posts: 21 / Threads: 16 / Online viewers: 99
  • In home display stuck on connecting screen
    Hi, can i get some help with my Utilita in home display please, It won't go past the connecting screen all of a sudden, when switched on, I... see more
  • Utilita Extra: Presale Tickets
    Howdy wonderful Utilita Community, How many of you use Utilita Extra? There's new and exciting feature! As a Utilita customer, you can access... see more
  • My Utilita - Two Step Verification
    Hello Utilita Community! Keeping your My Utilita account safe & secure is important! The Utilita App Team have worked hard to add in a 2-Step... see more
  • Refer a friend
    @Desmond Hey there! Hope you are well? 🤗 This video should help point out how to find it - you may need to update your phone software version/app... see more
  • Refer a friend
    Where can I find my unique link for refer a friend. I have looked all over the app asked the hopeless robot assistant and found nothing. see more
  • Try to get Smart Meter fitted
    Hi Gosport69 I am sorry to hear about this this sounds like you will need to speak with one of our agents, in order for me to be able to look into... see more
  • Try to get Smart Meter fitted
    Could you please give me the make and model of the Smart Meter you can/do supply so I can get more info on that model to help me intergrade with the... see more
  • August billing
    This sounds like you may need to speak to one of our agent on the phone as they will also need to check the account too look into this further,. ... see more
  • August billing
    @Rebecca usually in app but it’s not in My Utilita either. Well overdue now. see more
  • Ihd connectiob
    @Jacci Had mine about 6 months and never connected see more
  • In Home Display
    @DerekIFox I have replied to you private mail 🤗 see more
  • No connection
    @Seanpalmer1969 I am so pleased 🤗 see more
  • In Home Display
    My in home display has been showing "awaiting data" for about 4 days. Going to another screen I am informed that the Internet connection is OK. My... see more
  • No connection
    @Rebecca, got it sorted thank you 🙏🏻❤️ see more
  • Try to get Smart Meter fitted
    @Gosport69 Hi - I have replied to you private mails in regards to this matter 🤗 see more
  • No connection
    @Seanpalmer1969 Hi there! Have you tried resetting them? ​​​​​​​Rebecca see more
  • No connection
    Hi my hub has lost connection with my meters again and I can’t remember how to reconnect them can someone remind me how to do this please. Many thanks see more
  • August billing
    @MoW - Morning! Ho0w do you usually receive them? Rebecca see more
  • August billing
    I haven’t had my August bill yet. see more
  • Try to get Smart Meter fitted
    The fitter phone to say he would arrived at my home in 5 min at 4pm. Appointment was 12 till 4pm. Got here by 4.10 got accesses to under the stares... see more
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