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  • Meter Debt Query
    Hi Rebecca As far as I'm aware I haven't used Emergency credit or Power Up. Sometimes it says Friendly credit is in operation......is that... see more
  • Transfer credit disappeared
    Twice on the 13th July I tried to move money from gas on transfer credit. Twice it said it had failed. I went to try again today and can see on the... see more
  • Transfer Credit - Savings no option
    Hi. This happened to me on 13th. Twice it said the withdrawal from gas to savings had failed. I went to try again today and can see that online and... see more
  • Meter Debt Query
    @Andywellerman Hi Andy this would be due to if you had used any of your Emergency/Friendly Credit - or a Power Up? That is the only reasons for why a... see more
  • Meter Debt Query
    Hi I was just about to top up and it said 25% of my top up would be taken for a Meter Debt of £41.54 Please can you look into this and explain... see more
  • legit email about WHD AND Air Fryer
    Hi @zoevic, I can confirm that this is currently a genuine promotion being offered by Utilita. ​​​​​​​Kind Regards Dean see more
  • Updating my card details for payment
    Hi @Trikky2 I am sorry to hear of your initial issues but am pleased to hear you have resolved this. ​​​​​​​Kind Regards Dean see more
  • legit email about WHD AND Air Fryer
    Asking for a friend, is this a genuine email & is anyone in particular getting - see more
  • Updating my card details for payment
    Ignore, have solved it Hi, Running out of credit for my electric. Not had to do it for a while but went on your website to add some... see more
  • Meter
    Hi@Barnes Thank you for your comment regarding the booster since you have have changed to northern gas and yes we do have some in stock so the... see more
  • Meter
    I've spent since April trying to get my gas sorted..since Northern gas moved it its not connected to ihd or phone... engineer told me to get a... see more
  • Monitor
    Hi @Isabel, To connect a new device once it has been received you will need to speak with an agent who will have to open the connection on our... see more
  • Monitor
    I got a new monitor but it won't connect to my meters see more
  • In home display
    @Jacci Sorry to hear this! Can I ask what it's displaying on the screen? Rebecca see more
  • In home display
    My in home display wont connect i have tried everything and its standing opposite electric meter see more
  • Smart meter
    The £50 I put on for gas is now showing on the unit but nothing for the £50 on the electric, so I can see how much credit I have and usage for has... see more
  • Tariff
    There was a change on the 1st of July, on my app I have been checking how much I would be saving and it was only the Monday that it went down the... see more
  • Tariff
    @Annie Hey there 🤗 Sorry to hear that! Do you mind me asking where you are looking to see this out of date/non updated tariff rate? Thanks,... see more
  • Smart meter
    @Ginasmiffy Can I just check, is this just the In Home Display or is this not showing on the app either for your top-up & balance for electric? ... see more
  • Text from Utilita "Need to replace your meter"
    @foggii Sorry to hear this! That is certainly not helpful! As the nature of this question is account specific, can you private message me your... see more
  • Tariff
    I haven’t seen a change in my daily cost since the first of the month it’s gone back to what I’ve been paying for a while now, was wondering if... see more
  • Smart meter
    I've had a smart meter for has and electricity today, the hand unit is showing has but not electric, I topped both up by £50. Using the app but... see more
  • Deleting old Debit card
    @prakash1160 Hi there 👋 AutoPay is linked directly to the saved card, due to how the permissions around taking the payments are. With this in... see more
  • Faulty
    Thanks for reply . Relaunched the app and reset password and I'm back in and all good. Thanks for your help. see more
  • Faulty
    @Marc1727 Hi there - have you got the latest version of your phone software installed? This is often a common factor. Also, just to reassure you... see more
  • Extra £50
    @Valerieg Pleasure! Congratulations! Did you know about Transfer Credit? You can switch the money on your meter between the two. Thanks, Rebecca see more
  • Text from Utilita "Need to replace your meter"
    Message saying reply YES to short code to 88454 and I will be called back to arrange a visit but having tried several time I get a 'not sent' from my... see more
  • Faulty
    Can't log into my app . Uninstalled app and relaunched app. Tried to use a quick pay but comes up with an error 15 or error 17. Worried as on... see more
  • New Price cap charges from July 1st???
    Hey I have been waiting now for the unit rates I am charged to drop in line with the July 1st Price Cap. But they have not. Can anyone advise when... see more
  • Deleting old Debit card
    I have a new Debit card which I have updated and saved as default card but can't delete the old one as it is linked to auto-pay. Any suggestions how... see more