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    Last Post: Smart meter just saying... by
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  • Message on smart display meter
    I have a message on my smart display meter that says this is not supported for gas supply I can top up and the message goes away for a while... see more
  • Help
    Hi Samantha, I don't work for Utilita, I'm just a customer and have found them good to deal with. However, I'm in technically in energy poverty,... see more
  • Electric Agreement ID
    Hi @Julesg80, Thanks for your post. As this is specific to your account you would need to call our customer services on 0345 207 2000, and one of... see more
  • Electric Agreement ID
    Morning everyone Just wondering if anyone can advise on how I obtain my Electric Agreement ID? ​​​​​​​Any assistance is greatly appreciated ... see more
  • Disconnected
    Hi @Mads Thanks for getting in touch - I'm sorry to hear you're having issues with your In Home Display. If you're able to give our Customer... see more
  • Help
    Hi @Samantha123! We can absolutely look at assisting you - I'd recommend giving the team a call, as they may be able to offer you some financial... see more
  • Disconnected
    My smart meter just disconnected from the wifi over 6 weeks ago, done all the usual things but still says connecting . connected to my wifi ! On... see more
  • Help
    No money for electricity and used power up can they give me some electricity see more
  • Meter not eligible for power up
    Hi @Robfox1 Thanks for getting in touch. I'm really sorry to hear this - In most cases where a power up fails for this reason, it's due to the... see more
  • Smart meter
    Hi @Mandy1969! Can I confirm, is it the meter itself, or the In Home Display that isn't working? If it's the In Home Display, I'd recommend... see more
  • New smart meter display
    Hi @Swoody! Thanks for taking the time to get in touch! I'd recommend giving our Customer Services team a call to go over your usage - they'll be... see more
  • Meter not eligible for power up
    Keep trying to power up but it all goes to the point of submit and then says Meter not eligible see more
  • ENTRIES NOW OPEN: Win a free solar panel package ☀️🏡
    It’s time to unlock the power of solar! We’re helping households across the UK kickstart their sustainability journey with Utilita Home – to help... see more
  • Smart meter
    Display on smart meter not working,anyone else with problem see more
  • New smart meter display
    Since having a new smart meter display my gas top up doesn’t seem to last as long as it did before I top up electric every week and has used to be... see more
  • Smart display and wifi
    Hi @Pwstca, As this is quite account specific, it will need some further investigation by our app team. Would you be able to send me a direct... see more
  • Is utilita attempting to rip anyone else off?
    Hi @Evie88, I appreciate you aren't using your heating but are there any other gas appliances in the property that may be using energy, such a... see more
  • Is utilita attempting to rip anyone else off?
    @Juego. Yeah I'm getting ripped off too by utilita as I've not had the heating on. To test if I'm being ripped off ect . Looked on the usage on the... see more
  • Smart display and wifi
    Hi there, I have brand new smart meters installed and a brand new smart display. Everything is up and running, but my utilita app is saying that... see more
  • Smart meter just saying connecting
    Hi @claire123. Thanks for getting in touch - please can I confirm that this is the In Home Display that isn't working? I'd recommend if it is, the... see more
  • Introduce yourself!
    Hi Claire! Thanks for joining the community - it's great to have you here! We've got lots of really useful information on our community page, and... see more
  • Introduce yourself!
    Hi I’m Claire, I have been with Utilita for 5+yrs there is nothing interesting to tell you about me really, I have to grown children I suffer from... see more
  • Smart meter just saying connecting
    Hi, the estate I live on had a power outage ever since my smart meter just keeps saying connecting it won’t let me do anything, I was connected via... see more
  • In home display stuck on connecting screen
    Hi Rebecca I have this issue the whole estate lost power and now my smart meter just keeps saying connecting, it won’t let me do anything it was... see more
  • Meter issues
    Hi, I am also having a nightmare getting my IHD connected to Utilita. It is impossible to get any support from the huge number of phone calls. Can... see more
  • Gas and electric
    Hi @Lillian123456 Thanks for getting in touch - I'm sorry to hear that your supply is about to go off and we'd really like to help. The best... see more
  • Gas and electric
    Hi could you please help me with some gas and electric as I have got my baby niece staying with me she is 8 months old my husband has got high blood... see more
  • ECO 4 scheme
    Hi @DarrenR, There are a few conditions to our ECO schemes based on home ownership and type of tenancy. This is because we are unable to install... see more
  • Update from your Community Manager
    Hi Everyone, I'm William, and I'll be one of your community managers alongside @PeteC and @Dean, while @Rebecca is away. I work in Utilita's... see more
  • Introduce yourself!
    Hi Everyone, I'm William, and I'll be one of your community managers alongside @PeteC and @Dean, while @Rebecca is away. I work in Utilita's... see more