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- Older Activity
Has anyone used or have knowledge of this service Solar panel revive increase energy by 15-30% see more
- 6 Minutes Ago
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@Tersa Hi there, sorry to hear you feel disappointed with the lack of how much you have saved. It sounds like you are already a low user like you... see more
- 16 Hours Ago
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Hi @RachArmatage, Thanks for your post. The meter usually only says rejected when it is in vend mode. Can I ask what buttons you pressed while... see more
- 21 Hours Ago
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Hi @PaulGrow, I'm sorry that you have been experiencing long waiting times while trying to get through to us. To answer your question about moving... see more
- 22 Hours Ago
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my 2 most recent time slots one of them I was unable to cut back on everything due to work so obviously didn't save/earn anything but my 2nd occasion... see more
- 1 Day Ago
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I followed the instructions to activate emergency credit and it said rejected. Why did that happen? see more
- 2 Days Ago
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The only thing I can suggest is try and ring tge very second they open. E.g. watch your phone at 08:59 and press your dial out button as soon as... see more
- 3 Days Ago
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@Lavender56 I'm trying to move now and it's a nightmare. I can't get to speak to anyone that can help me and this is after two and a half days. I... see more
- 3 Days Ago
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Hi @stj2006 Please accept my apologies for not having come back to you - I had sent off your information to our billing team to investigate... see more
- 3 Days Ago
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@Steve007 Hey there, Welcome to the Community! Can you provide a bit more detail on this so I am able to help troubleshoot for you? This... see more
- 4 Days Ago
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Well Pete never got back in touch, but i did figure it out for myself! I'll answer it here then if anybody else has the same query it might help... see more
- 4 Days Ago
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Hi @part1, As this could be a comms issue you would need to speak to an agent - unfortunately the community is not a live chat so I cant connect you... see more
- 4 Days Ago
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@Rebecca hi I’m Steve I am having serious problem topping my metres up see more
- 4 Days Ago
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Hi @Lavender56, Are you still experiencing these issues if you are please could you drop me a DM with the link in my signature and I can look into... see more
- 5 Days Ago
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It's been a nightmare - the meters were labelled wringly and now, two weeks after miving in, I'm atill suspicious about which meter is which.... see more
- 1 Week Ago
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Hi @jopgbj125, Thanks for replying. If you could send me a direct message I'd more than happy to look into this further for you. Thanks,... see more
- 1 Week Ago
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Hi @dosborne67, Yes, this will still be possible, and all the above information will still be relevant. Thanks, William see more
- 1 Week Ago
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@WilliamB My apologies, WilliamB. I've just looked at my original message. In error, I said we wanted to move the Gas, when in fact it's the... see more
- 1 Week Ago
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Hi @jopgbj125, Sorry to hear that you're experience with contacting our customer services wasn't very helpful, and you are still having problems... see more
- 1 Week Ago
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Hi @Lavender56, This is quite common, when you move out of a property with ourselves, the app won't work after the account is vacated. If you are... see more
- 1 Week Ago
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Hi @dosborne67, Thanks for your post. I'm sorry you found Utilita to be quite unhelpful when you got in touch before. In order to switch to direct... see more
- 1 Week Ago
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