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  • Try to get Smart Meter fitted
    @Gosport69 Hi - I have replied to you private mails in regards to this matter 🤗 see more
  • No connection
    @Seanpalmer1969 Hi there! Have you tried resetting them? ​​​​​​​Rebecca see more
  • No connection
    Hi my hub has lost connection with my meters again and I can’t remember how to reconnect them can someone remind me how to do this please. Many thanks see more
  • August billing
    @MoW - Morning! Ho0w do you usually receive them? Rebecca see more
  • August billing
    I haven’t had my August bill yet. see more
  • Try to get Smart Meter fitted
    The fitter phone to say he would arrived at my home in 5 min at 4pm. Appointment was 12 till 4pm. Got here by 4.10 got accesses to under the stares... see more
  • Ref
    @Ianpaz1975Hi Ian, do you know what the refund was for? ​​​​​​​Rebecca see more
  • Only Electric not Gas
    @Gosport69 Hi there, Utilita will know your supply starts on the 3rd as they will have the record in order to email you that date. SP should then... see more
  • Ref
    Refund due £44 how long does it take to go back in to bank see more
  • Only Electric not Gas
    Just had E-Mail saying 'Great news! Your energy is now being supplied by Utilita. Your electricity switched to us on and your gas switched to us on .... see more
  • no valid mobile number.
    Went to the Gosport shop through the rain and they sort it thanks. Hope you had a good weekend. I mite not need to buy a mobility phone thank you and... see more
  • Ihd connectiob
    Hi rebecca it was 16th august my meters were put in and they still have not connected to ihd see more
  • no valid mobile number.
    @Gosport69 Sorry to hear that! If you are now a lice customer, I can certainly get this escalated on your behalf. Can you pop me a private mail using... see more
  • Emergency Credit
    @Juliag73 So pleased you managed to figure it out in the end. We are always here in the future, should you need any help again 😀 see more
  • Emergency Credit
    It's OK I edited as I figured out my issue 🙃 see more
  • no valid mobile number.
    I have a home phone only. To get a account with utilita you have to have a valid UK mobile number. I thought I had got round that problem as I am... see more
  • Gas mater
    Here is a pic see more
  • Gas mater
    Hi Rebecca it was 6th August this month and fitted new meter but the connection still will not work with the smart mater or app just says on the app... see more
  • Gas mater
    @GORDIE Hi there! Can I ask when the last visit you had was and did you have a whole new gas meter put on the wall? If I can know when this was, that... see more
  • Gas mater
    Hi there I have had a engineer out to sort my connection from my gas meter to smart meter and he changed the meter again the there one was only... see more
  • What is the standing charge?
    It's all very confusing. I did an enquiry with the Energy Ombudsman and it is still not clear. It seems that published tariff, IHD cost display and... see more
  • In home display
    @Jenka Sorry to hear that! So can I just confirm, you have an appointment booked in for the 4th of October - our teams always book the earliest... see more
  • Time lag billing
    @George Hey there thanks for letting me know that extra information. That is really helpful. In that case, it sounds like something is definitely... see more
  • Time lag billing
    Monthly direct debit, latest bill is to the end of May 24? see more
  • Time lag billing
    @George Hi there! Do you pay monthly or quarterly for your bills? 😊 Thanks, ​​​​​​​Rebecca see more
  • Gas meter ?????
    @Gord Hi Gordon, Thanks again for bringing this to my attention. ​​​​​​​ Thanks for providing these details via DM, I have escalated this to... see more
  • Gas meter ran out topped up how to restore the supply
    @Korky6634 Hi there, you go to the main meter and push A, A, B. This will then restore the supply if the top-up went on successfully. Thanks,... see more
  • Time lag billing
    Why is latest bill 1-31 May and we are near end of August, nearly 3 months adrift, I thought with Smart meters there shouldn’t be 3 month lag? see more
  • Gas meter ?????
    Hi I'm wondering if there has been any updates with this problem. I noticed my smart meter had gone off so I restarted it, and still no data being... see more
  • Gas meter ran out topped up how to restore the supply
    I ran out of gas emergency credit I've topped up how do I restore the supply see more