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  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    @DarrenR That is so great to hear, sounds like you have some very interesting interests and I look forward to hearing from you more here on the Community!
    I am your Community Manager! πŸ˜€

    To post a new thread about anything you like click here

    Feel free to message me any time by clicking here
  • Maria1979k's Avatar
    Level 1
    @Rebecca Hi my name is Maria. I'm new to utilita. I moved into a new flat last week and utilita is the supplier of my electricity. I have solar panels on my roof and just wondering if I need to let someone know this or would that information already be known from the previous tenant who was a customer of utilita? Having a pleasant experience with utilita so far. Hope to stay long term
  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    @Maria1979k Welcome to the community! I am pleased to hear you are having a good experience so far.

    In regards to letting Utilita know you have Solar panels, have you let Utilita know at all you are the new tenant and updated yourself as the new resident with them? When doing this, it is a good idea to also inform them about the solar panels just encase.

    When you call the main number - select the option of moving into a new property that's supplied by us!

    0345 207 2000
  • Maria1979k's Avatar
    Level 1
    @Rebecca hi yes I called and let them know that I'm the new tenant and the account is is my name etc but I didn't know about the solar panels until after I set up the account with my details etc. I will call again to let them know about the solar panels. Thank you 😊
  • Steve007's Avatar
    Level 1
    @Rebecca hi I’m Steve I am having serious problem topping my metres up
  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    @Steve007 Hey there,

    Welcome to the Community!

    Can you provide a bit more detail on this so I am able to help troubleshoot for you?

    This article here we have on how to manually top-up may help?

  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    Hello Utilita Community! πŸ‘‹

    I wanted to take the time to update you on a slight change that will be happening here on the Utilita Community.

    As of next Monday 17 March 2025, I will be taking a years leave. This will mean that I will not be active here on the Community as your Community Manager.

    However, worry not! This will not impact the Community, and the supportive and safe, friendly environment that we always work hard to maintain!

    I will be handing over Community Management duties to three of my very capable Utilita colleagues.
    This means that all private mails and enquires should be sent to them, and they will also between the three of them, be replying to your posts where appropriate/where a fellow member has not replied to you.

    Let me introduce them to you! πŸ€—πŸ€©
    @PeteC, @Dean and @WilliamB.
  • PeteC's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hello Utilita Community! πŸ‘‹

    I wanted to take the time to update you on a slight change that will be happening here on the Utilita Community.

    As of next Monday 17 March 2025, I will be taking a years leave. This will mean that I will not be active here on the Community as your Community Manager.

    However, worry not! This will not impact the Community, and the supportive and safe, friendly environment that we always work hard to maintain!

    I will be handing over Community Management duties to three of my very capable Utilita colleagues.
    This means that all private mails and enquires should be sent to them, and they will also between the three of them, be replying to your posts where appropriate/where a fellow member has not replied to you.

    Let me introduce them to you! πŸ€—πŸ€©
    @PeteC, @Dean and @WilliamB.

    Hi everyone!

    I'm @PeteC, and I am part of Utilita's Customer Experience team. I've been with the company about a year, but have worked in the energy industry for about 16 years, so I'm happy to answer any questions related to the industry for you! I'll be making some posts over the coming weeks about how the industry works, to try and break down the myths that surround bills, payments, meters and much more!

    Outside of work, I'm a huge Brighton and Hove Albion fan (I live on the south coast!), and I enjoy most sports, spending time with my friends, and more importantly, spending time with their pets!

    I'm really keen to get to know as many people on here as I can, so please drop a reply to this and let us know who you are!

    Speak to you all soon!
    I am one of your Community Managers! πŸ˜€

    To post a new thread about anything you like click here

    Feel free to message me any time by clicking here
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