Hiya Richkez32 👋 - an extremely warm welcome to you! We are SO thrilled to have you as part of the Utilita Community! I am sorry to hear about your ill health. You sound extremely positive despite that fact - and it's super exciting to hear that you are into tech. I am envious of your new iPad - I have an iPad Air from 2015 which is still serving me well. How is the new one you have?
Wow, I have experienced the Microsoft and Apple Communities and they are great, lots of content where they have been long established - and you taking part in testing sounds extremely interesting. Here on our Community, it is relatively new, we have been fully launched for a couple of months now and now have just over 800 members which is great, and we are growing by the day. Eventually we will want to test new products/services/future app capabilities and so on. It's fabulous to know that we have a keen tester who is in to tech like yourself.
Really nice to meet you and I, as well as the rest of the Community really look forward to hearing more from you. Feel free to jump in and answer fellow member questions if you see them being posted. I would also love to hear feedback on the Community if and when you have any, and any suggestions are always welcome! 🤗
Speak soon,
Rebecca, your Community Manager
Last edited by Rebecca; 12-07-21 at 16:23.