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  • PeteC's Avatar
    Community Manager
    We’re coming to the end of another winter – but we want our customers to know that we’re here to help, whatever the weather!

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    We offer several ways in which we can support you financially with the cost of your energy. We understand that for some customers, keeping the heating and the lights on can be hard work, and we will always do our best to support you when you need it most.

    Through the Powerup system on our app, and by speaking to one of our team, we can help support you if you find yourself in financial difficulty, through short term loans onto your meter. We will work out how much you’ll need to replenish your emergency credit and give you enough credit onto your meter to get you through to the next time you get paid. This amount will then be added as a debt to your meter, but we’ll always discuss the safest and most affordable way of this being repaid with you – usually it will be set at 20%, so for every £10 you put on the meter after the assistance, £2 will go towards your debt balance, and the rest will be applied to your meter as normal. This can, however, be adjusted to suit your needs, so if you wish to pay it back quicker, we can increase the repayment rate, or if you want to pay it back over time, we can set it for a lower amount too.

    Our team will also, throughout the call, signpost you to additional support if you need it – we can give you information on the best places locally to you that will support you financially, we’ll give you energy saving tips to help reduce your usage, and we’ll also check to see if you’d like to work with one of our partners, called IncomeMax. They are a third party organisation that can help you work out if you are entitled to any further benefits and check to see if you’re getting everything that you are eligible for.

    We want to make sure that we can support as many of our customers who need Financial Support as possible. The busiest time of the week for us is Mondays – where a lot of customers have used Friendly Credit over the weekend, getting through to us during that period can take some time, but we recommend calling Tuesday-Friday, as our lines are less busy.

    From time to time, we’ll also offer additional support above and beyond Financial Assistance – over the past few years we have partnered with charities to offer air fryers, heated blankets, and energy saving lightbulbs to people who meet a certain level of eligibility (in most cases, this means customers who are on our Priority Services Register). Keep an eye out for emails from our team throughout the year!

    If you do need support and Financial Assistance, the best place to start is giving our team a call on 0345 207 2000 Monday to Saturday.

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    Last edited by PeteC; 4 Weeks Ago at 15:06.
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