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  • murphy's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi all this is my first time on here so please bare with me. Ive had an email from utilita telling me if i dont set up a direct debit my tarrif will double more or less. I have a payg for my electric so im wondering is it the electric i have to set up the direct debit or the gas? Hopefully someone whos had the same email can confirm. Thanks
  • 3 Replies

  • Dean's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hi @murphy,

    This is only for customers on a Billing agreement so in your case this will be only your gas if your electric is on Prepay,

    We’ve always believed in fair, simple pricing for our customers and we have now aligned our tariffs to the different ways you can choose pay for your energy. If you choose to pay by direct debit or prepayment, it costs us less to manage your account and we therefore pass a saving onto you. If you choose to pay each time you receive a bill, this costs us more to manage your account so your tariff is higher to reflect those costs. This way, each customer is paying a fair price based upon the cost of using their chosen payment method.

    Additionally If you prefer depending on your meter we may also be able to switch your gas meter to prepay, if you do not wish to set up a DD and pay monthly you can enquire about switching to prepay by speaking to one of our billing agents on 0330 333 7442,

    Kind Regards Dean
    I am one of your Community Managers! 😀

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  • murphy's Avatar
    Level 1

    thanks very much pal thats brilliant. Yesmy electric is the payg but my gas meter is one of the old ones. Ok i will call them today see what option is best for me pal. Thanks again have a nice day.
  • murphy's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi @murphy,

    This is only for customers on a Billing agreement so in your case this will be only your gas if your electric is on Prepay,

    We’ve always believed in fair, simple pricing for our customers and we have now aligned our tariffs to the different ways you can choose pay for your energy. If you choose to pay by direct debit or prepayment, it costs us less to manage your account and we therefore pass a saving onto you. If you choose to pay each time you receive a bill, this costs us more to manage your account so your tariff is higher to reflect those costs. This way, each customer is paying a fair price based upon the cost of using their chosen payment method.

    Additionally If you prefer depending on your meter we may also be able to switch your gas meter to prepay, if you do not wish to set up a DD and pay monthly you can enquire about switching to prepay by speaking to one of our billing agents on 0330 333 7442,

    Kind Regards Dean
    Got through to angel who was brilliant.shes got me sorted so will stay on the same cheap tarrif. Thanks again
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