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  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    Hello all,

    By now, you’ll have read or heard about the global energy crisis. Now, more than ever, we want to help you reduce your energy usage and, in turn, save money – plus help the environment too.

    This has been our mission since launching in 2003.

    Taking inspiration from the then government’s Energy White Paper, which highlighted fuel poverty, climate change, energy security and an ageing energy infrastructure as the four big issues facing the sector, our founder and CEO Bill Bullen built Utilita with these issues in mind.

    “We realised that helping customers save energy when it was cost-effective to do so was going to be a good thing, so we set up an energy business that actually helped households use less energy,” says Bill. “Hence our mantra: The greenest and cheapest energy is the energy you don’t use.”

    Now, we’re redoubling our efforts to help our customers save as much energy (and money) as we possibly can – and that is where you come in!

    So, how can we help you make each pound of your energy spend go further?

    Here, we explain just a few ways we can help…

    Smart Score
    Your Smart Score is a measurement of how energy efficient you are, based on how you use energy at home. Improve your score with tips and advice for each of your energy categories - and save money.

    All you need to do is download the My Utilita app (if you haven’t already)!

    Find out more about smart score here

    To watch our video here on the community on how Smart Score works click here

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    Energy High5
    Our Energy High 5 campaign,
    We’re educating the nation on how to save £££s. Launched in January 2020, Energy High 5 shows people how they can save money by making five simple and free-of-charge adjustments to their energy usage. We've already educated 4 million UK households save – but want to help millions more.
    Read more here!

    Name:  Energy High 5.PNG
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Size:  20.8 KB

    Give us regular meter reading
    Are you a credit customer paying by direct debit/bills? It’s vital to give us regular meter reads to ensure your bills are not estimated and that you only pay for the energy you use. You could be paying more than you need to be, and we want to make as much of your money stays in your account as possible! You can give a meter reading here! Or you can submit meter reads via the My Utilita app!

    Tip, tip, hooray!
    Stay up to date with our latest energy efficiency advice on the ‘Energy Efficiency Board’. There is some really helpful stuff, and we’ve got more threads coming your way as the colder months approach.

    Was this thread useful? Do you have any more saving tips? Pop them below in the comments section! 👇
    Last edited by Rebecca; 21-09-21 at 12:49.
  • 5 Replies

  • Kellyboatgirl's Avatar
    Level 1
    All well and good if the app or anything worked eh?
  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    @Kellyboatgirl Hey! Oh no, could you expand a bit on what is not working?
  • Kellyboatgirl's Avatar
    Level 1
    Everything! Meter doesn't accept top up manually because apparently it takes 3 weeks from installation- which is ridiculous for something that's meant to be smart. I can't top up on the app. In home display states "not commissioned" and won't connect to anything, the app doesn't register my gas or electric meters. Your chat bot is infuriating, it's been almost impossible to get hold of customer services and the link that your app provides to email customer services sends the emails back as undeliverable. So yeah. Nothing works mostly.
  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    @Kellyboatgirl Sorry to hear that Kelly! We never like to hear it when any customer has this amount of things not working.

    As I can see no member have reached out and that this is quite 'account specific' - I will raise this back into the business. Could you send me a private message with your account number?

    Rebecca 😀
  • Curlypud62's Avatar
    The only crisis happening is A GREED crisis!!!
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