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  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    Hello everyone! 😊

    I hope everyone had a really nice weekend? Did anyone get up to anything exciting? πŸ€”

    With lockdown set to ease again on May 17 with the opening of inside bars, pubs and restaurants - and the promise of being able to be inside our loved ones homes and allowed to hug - I want to know what you are most looking forward to?

    Are you feeling a little more optimistic and excited about life beginning to get that little more 'normal' again, or are you feeling quite anxious at the thought of things going back to normal?

    Let's have a catch up below, I would love to know how you are feeling? Go grab a cuppa and join in on the conversation!

    I have found this great little 'step by step' guide to easing into life after lockdown here πŸ€—

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	LifeAfterLockdown.png 
Views:	7239 
Size:	272.0 KB 
ID:	79
  • 7 Replies

  • Tillymint's Avatar
    Level 7
    @Rebecca seeing family again, not seen my niece in a while and my bestie. @DameFrench carvery is a great idea. Might eventually have to do some clothes shopping as well. I must be the only woman that hates shopping but some of my clothes are thread bare or look like I have been mauled by a bear lol! I will definitely take a look at the guide you added as well, thank you.

  • YingYang's Avatar
    What a great post @Rebecca!

    Thank you for posting this, I have skimmed through that document and already like what I see. After checking this out properly I will definitely be sharing this with my family and friends, before an overdue gathering with them all in the near future.

    We've also had a birth of a baby boy in the family recently, so it will be particularly nice to get back to normality and let everyone meet their new family member properly as virtual meetings have gotten more than a little old now.

    I am particularly keen to get back to regular outdoor activities and even the sporadic trips to the pub with some friends I've not seen in ages!!

    Hopefully it is a great summer ahead of us all. 😁
  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    @YingYang @DameFrench @Tillymint - some great responses here!
    @YingYang - A massive congratulations on your new family member, how wonderful! I bet the family will be so pleased to meet him in the flesh! πŸ‘Ά
    @DameFrench - I think a lot of people will be with you on that one. Sitting outside in this unusually freezing May so far is not as fun as I thought it would be! Where is the spring sunshine?! Although I am very fussy about my roasts out, I am yet to find somewhere that do potatoes as crispy as mine 🀣
    @Tillymint - A good bit of retail therapy sounds good fun!

    I will not be rushing back into old life too soon. I think baby steps is a great idea, to make us all feel at ease and to not feel too overwhelmed. I'm glad you guys found the 'step by step' guide helpful! πŸ€—

    Looking forward to hearing more from you guys after the 17th of May and how you are getting on!

    As always, please shout if there is anything I can help you with as your Community Manager here on the Utilita Community!

  • Debby's Avatar
    Level 2
    @Rebecca I was very apprehensive at first but now were all getting back to normal I feel a lot better about it. Its been nice going out for meals and seeing family and friends.
  • Dean's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @Rebecca I for one am really excited for the lockdown being lifted especially having kids it gives us that bit more freedom to start planning days out especially in such lovely weatherβ˜€, Alton towers is something I am especially looking forward to taking the kids to, that said however I am expecting There to be so many ques as so many people are looking forward to the freedom more.

    additionally as more and more people have had the vaccine myself included this has eased most of the worries I originally had about coming out of lockdown.
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