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  • Nuttytart71's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi everyone I'm new on here even though ive been with utilita for years. I've been with a few electric companies but utilita wins hands down there app is easy to use, and if you need to speak to someone it's easy to contact them and they are so polite and helpful. I am disabled and they make me feel so at ease and like nothing is too much trouble
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  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    @Nuttytart71 Hello there! 👋

    A very warm welcome to the Community! That is incredible to hear - and I am so pleased to hear that you feel this way! 🤗

    It's great to have you as a new member. 🤩

    A few threads and boards I would suggest taking a look at:

    Introduce yourself - this is where a lot of our existing members have introduced themselves and told the community a little more about themselves! I would encourage you to go on and take a read and also post a little about yourself on the thread 😀

    Help & Support Mega Digest - the Community is primarily a place to get self-help and support in regards to all things Utilita, as well as being able to speak to other members who may have the answer to your question(s). This is a run down of all the existing top help content in alphabetical order, to help you find topics as quickly as possible.

    I would also recommend just taking a thorough look at all aspects of the community homepage - which features all the discussion topic boards, and highlights key topics/articles that are helpful to members - which we update monthly to showcase the most up to date and helpful content.

    I hope this helps? 🤗

    Rebecca - your Community Manager
    I am your Community Manager! 😀

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