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  • Shannont's Avatar
    Level 1

    New customer here! I have a few questions if anyone could help me out.

    Firstly, why does the amount i top up drop massively on the app throughout the day? I feel i am being charged far more than what i am using. (nearly £10 a day!!!)

    Secondly, do we recieve the monthly Energy bill support top ups from Utilita? I did in my previous property with Bulb. If so, when does this show on our accounts?

    Thirdly, can i switch my payment method to a monthly bill if struggling to keep up with the pre payment top ups? ( i get paid monthly, so at the price im being charged, weekly top ups are proving very difficult.

    Many thanks,

    Last edited by Shannont; 30-01-23 at 14:45. Reason: referred to wrong thing.
  • 1 Reply

  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    @Shannont Hi there and welcome to the community! 🤗

    So in regards to your EBSS enquiry - we have all in the information contained in this article here

    For usage and the change of payment method - due to this being an account change, an advisor would need to speak to you on the phone about that pass data protection and making a payment change. I would advise either calling up or using the Live Chat function to do this 😀

    I hope this helps? 😀

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