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  • dbird's Avatar
    Just received a "remember to redeem your voucher" email - I physically cannot do that, because the December and January emails I got that should have contained the vouchers were blank. There was no link to a pdf file as for the October and November vouchers.
    I have been on the phone about this, and have been promised a replacement email containing them, but it has been over a week since then and I have not received them.

    I wish no trouble for any employee, but at the company level this is absolutely atrocious. If it is not resolved shortly, I will be changing supplier.
  • 4 Replies

  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    @dbird Hey there! I am so sorry to hear this. My best advice is that it does take 10 working days to process and be sent, as we have to alert PayPoint who send these vouchers.

    If it has only been a week, please hold tight and wait the 10 advised working days and if it has not showed up in your emails (please check junk folder too) please let me know dbird.

    Again, I am really sorry to hear about this inconvenience, I do appreciate it is not ideal, especially as these vouchers are provided to help with the energy payments.

    Rebecca - your Community Manager
    I am your Community Manager! 😀

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  • dbird's Avatar
    The replacement emails that were supposed to have been sent are still missing - of course I've checked the junk folder, I'm not stupid, thanks. Just received a "warm home discount voucher" with the exact same problem as above - the email does not have the button to actually receive the voucher. Please rectify all of this before the end of the week or I will change suppliers.
    Thank you for your anticipated help,
  • dbird's Avatar
    @Rebecca never mind - it works on my phone but not my laptop, apparently. I didn't think to try that before. Apologies for the bother, and it might be an idea to let people know about this possibility.
  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    @dbird Oh I am glad to hear that!

    I will be sure to pass this back into the business 😊 thanks for letting me know!

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