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  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    Hello Utilita Community! 😊

    We understand that at this time of year, naturally it will mean there will be more questions and support needed in regard to your energy account(s).

    I wanted to take this time to remind you of the purpose of the community and how it works.
    The Community is a member-to-member help and support forum, for you as members to ask questions and also answer member questions where you may have the answer. This forum is not manned by customer service representatives. If you would like to find out more about how you can help others, or if you would like to create some helpful energy-saving tips for others, send me a DM any time and we can have a chat!

    We also have the ‘Help & Support’ board which has lots of helpful articles. Check out the Help & Support Mega Digest here.

    Furthermore, you can use the search bar on the Community Homepage to search for a phrase/topic you are looking for as shown below:

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    Account specific enquiries where it requires investigation into your specific energy account, need to be directed to an official manned customer service channel which can be found further down this help thread.

    In the case of ‘emergencies’ we will escalate this back into the business – which we class as:

    Being off supply
    Not being able to access your meter
    Not having access to pay/top-up

    As your community manager I am happy to escalate certain matters and take member feedback back into the business

    You can access our Help & Support Mega Digest here
    You can contact our customer service team on 0345 207 2000.
    You can contact our Live Chat via the website here.


    I am your Community Manager! 😀

    To post a new thread about anything you like click here

    Feel free to message me any time by clicking here
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  • Vikkibos's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi Rebecca I’ve gone threw my last month usage and by the looks of it Ives been charged for an imperial meter but my meter is a metric one I’ve moved over to British Gas am my usage i nothing compaired to what Utilita was charging it was £16/£19 a day gas but today it’s £4 ? How does that work I’ve sent tenancy agreement meter readings the lot no one contacted me but was happy to take £300 off me for 30 days gas thanks Victoria
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