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  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    Howdy to all our old and new members! 🤗 👋

    I wanted to jump on and make you aware of a new updated feature here on the community! See snippet below!

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	New Community!.png 
Views:	5729 
Size:	75.2 KB 
ID:	286

    Above the Community Forum Boards List on the home page (as shown in the image above), you will now see 3 tabs at the top! Simply check on each to navigate between them! More details on what they mean and what they do below! 👇

    Community - which is just the usual list of Community Forum Topic Boards!

    Latest Activity - which will be all the latest activity since you last logged in

    My Tags - any posts you have been tagged in

    This makes your life easier and makes it much better to catch up with the topics/latest activity that YOU the member is interested in 😀

    Please drop me a line if you have any questions on this new feature below - or simply just give me some feedback on how you like the update 😍
    Last edited by Rebecca; 28-02-22 at 11:09.
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