I had a new smart meter fitted a couple of weeks ago and when the engineer finished he said the ihd would become active, it never has. I have since been trying to contact utilita with no joy at all, nightmare to get in touch with. I wondered if I could finally resolve my issue on here. Thanks
22 Replies
Hi, I don't have an answer to this but I'm having the same problem- ihd states not commissioned. Although my meter is still in default mode so maybe that's why?
Guys, thank you for raising this.
I have fed this back into the business and to our Smart Meter department to see why this is and what their advise is around the IHD stating this.
I will be back in touch ASAP! 😀 -
I am having the exact same problem, I have put my display unit on the top of my gas meter, now it’s making an intermittent ringing noise, I think it might be trying to connect, but the meter hasn’t been commissioned.I’ve been struggling for days with it.
has this been resolved? I'm having exactly the same issue. Impossible to get through to customer services on the phone and the times I've managed to get through, I've been cut off while on hold :-( IHD has been useless since the smart meter was installed
@samsin @Meikle @Rednise @Sye @Kellyboatgirl,
If you are still having issues with the IHD saying Connecting/Not Commissioned please could you DM me your account number for me to look into this for you.
Kind Regards Dean