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  • Frances's Avatar
    Level 1
    put my central heating on yesterday (1st of Dec) and it used £5 in less than 40 mins.
    Utilita billing said because of tariff rate is increased on 1st of month instead of being spread out. Then after specific usage drops to tariff rate 2 for rest of month.
    Is this true?

  • 2 Replies

  • Pinkprincess's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi, I'm on payg and it's rate 1 for the first 2kwh then rate 2 for the rest of the day. My meter was changed on the 22nd November and now I'm being charged rate 1 for the first 61 kwh and no rate 2. Check your contract and tariff as I've had no luck getting my issue resolved and everytime I call customer services I'm on hold for 50 minutes and cut off 5 mins after speaking to someone
  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    Hello both! 😀

    You will need to speak to an agent so they can access your account and see what tariff you are on, they will need to take a proper look into all areas on your account etc.

    The easiest way to do this is via Live Chat on the website here - and clock where it says 'Speak to a Live Agent'.

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