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  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    Want to know how you can do your bit for the planet this Earth Day? 🌍

    You can help reduce the UK’s carbon footprint by the equivalent of planting 916 MILLION trees, simply by making 5 simple changes to the way you use energy at home. Plus, you could save up to £163 a year at the same time – nice!

    Click here to join the Energy High 5 movement today.

    What does Earth Day mean to you? We'd love you to tell us below! 😊

    Click image for larger version. 

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Name:	EarthDay2.PNG 
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ID:	76Click image for larger version. 

Name:	EarthDay5.PNG 
Views:	5349 
Size:	351.2 KB 
ID:	77
  • 2 Replies

  • Cat's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hi Rebecca,

    You can't argue with those savings and the heating is now completely off in my house. Anyone else keen to make some changes to see some great savings?

    Cat 👋
  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    Hi @Cat 😀

    Ohhhh lavley!!!! You know what, this May has been so so cold compared to last year!

    Last year we had seen highs of 28 degrees! We have not even entered the 20's yet!!! 😰

    I am not not having the heat on and actually coping OK, but it's bonkers to think we have had to wait until May to turn it off!

    I am also being a energy plug slayer and turn off at the plug switch now. I also do it at my family's (who are part of my bubble).

    Good going! Looking forward to seeing some savings! 😃
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