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  • claire123's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi, the estate I live on had a power outage ever since my smart meter just keeps saying connecting it won’t let me do anything, I was connected via my internet but now it won’t even except the password for it also the app on my phone only had the electric connected to it I don’t know why can someone please help I’m new to the page thanks.
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  • PeteC's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hi @claire123.

    Thanks for getting in touch - please can I confirm that this is the In Home Display that isn't working? I'd recommend if it is, the first port of call would be to turn it off, leave it for 20 seconds, then plug it in to the mains and turn it on again, in the nearest plug socket you can to the meter - this will help it reconnect to the meter. Ideally, if the display can be plugged in within 10ft of the meter this will help the process!

    With regards to the app, if you can drop me a Direct Message, with some account details (you can click on the link in my signature to message me privately), I'll take a look at your account and see why it's only showing the electricity.

    I hope this helps,
    Thanks again
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