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  • Julian1972's Avatar
    Level 1
    Please I suffer mental health a got glaucoma I struggle with prepay cos I forget to put enough on
    ..I can easy afford to and got big debt..I want fuel direct and think get rid of prepay please I'd useless
  • 1 Reply

  • PeteC's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hi @Julian1972. Thanks for getting in touch.

    We'd really like to help you out, and to do this in the first instance I'd recommend speaking to one of our Customer Service team. They're there to help in cases like yours, and will be able to help you make the best decision on what type of tariff you should be on, and also be able to give you advice on any additional support that you may be able to get access to.

    You can call them on 0330 333 7442 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 5pm Saturday

    I hope this helps,
    Thanks again
    I am one of your Community Managers! 😀

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