I've been unable to use the monitor as intended for a month since I received it. The monitor does not detect data from the gas and electricity meters. It is connected to the cloud and already detects the meters' network. The support team told me it would work within 24 hours, but unfortunately, it hasn't. Could you kindly assist me with this issue?
I've been unable to use the monitor as intended for a month since I received it. The monitor does not detect data from the gas and electricity meters. It is connected to the cloud and already detects the meters' network. The support team told me it would work within 24 hours, but unfortunately, it hasn't. Could you kindly assist me with this issue? -
1 Reply
@Eugeniy Hey there! Can you pop me your full address and account number via private mail using the link in my signature and I can get this escalated to one our Customer Experience Team to investigate and look into for you?
Rebecca 🤗I am your Community Manager! 😀
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