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  • Trikky2's Avatar
    Level 2
    Hi Folks,

    Just completed my first power payback of the year :)
    Am a bit of an extremist , I just go to my cupboard and switch all the power off to my maisonette so had a 3 hour black out this evening :)
    A bit longer than the previous ones which I seem to remember only lasted an hour.

    All the best.
  • 8 Replies

  • megancie's Avatar
    Level 1
    Do you know how much you were rewarded for doing this?
  • Trikky2's Avatar
    Level 2
    @megancie Hi.
    Not yet, from what I remember it does take a few days to go through, however mine is not usually much as it is based on how much you saved during the event when compared to your average use. As I don't use much electricity anyway what I get back is not that much. I'll update once it goes through.
    All the best.
    Last edited by Trikky2; 09-01-25 at 09:37. Reason: spelling mistake
  • Trikky2's Avatar
    Level 2
    Hi there,

    My meter was credited about 2.30 this morning. Just £0.03p ( so a penny an hour for having all my electric off during the event ) but I don't use that much electricity anyway :)

    All the best.
  • stj2006's Avatar
    Level 1
    They have absolutely mugged us off. I got nothing. My original text said 0.36p per kw/h (rounded up). I won't be doing it again... in fact I might switch everything on to max hahahaha... I joke... seriously this is wrong during a cost of living crisis.

  • Trikky2's Avatar
    Level 2
    They have absolutely mugged us off. I got nothing. My original text said 0.36p per kw/h (rounded up). I won't be doing it again... in fact I might switch everything on to max hahahaha... I joke... seriously this is wrong during a cost of living crisis.

    Hi there,

    Sorry you got nothing, I did ok.
    As I have said I'm a light user. If I average it out over the past year it comes to 3.1p per hour. So I saved 9.3p over the 3 hours the power payback ran and received a 3p credit to my meter. So basically a 30% payback, which I think is not bad for just a test.

    All the best.

    Just got text that I had been credited 7p. Looked at my account and was credited 3p yesterday and 4p today. This brings the payback rate up to 75 %
    Last edited by Trikky2; 28-01-25 at 09:55. Reason: corrected calculation
  • stj2006's Avatar
    Level 1
    Wow I wish my electricity was so low, I use between £2.50 and £4.50 a day depends if its a wash day and/or cleaning day. Im not sure where they will get the data from as my reported figures are screwy and I was with anther company this time last year. I did read that if they don't have the data they will make something up... looks like they did... they made it up to zero. I reckon they made a mistake offering me 0.36p per kw/h as I pay less than 0.20p per kw/h off them in the first place. Im getting bored of the energy malarky since Xmas eve I'd been on chat every day to get something sorted, I thought I kept missing the agent but it turns out they were just kicking me off the chat after hours of waiting. I kept the logs to prove it!! I rang inthe end and got through but ws told I have to fill in a incoming outgoing form
    Then they convinced me to top up my meter and put me further I to debt, I had the money to top up i just didn't want to be paying 20% payback fee while times are a bit tougher and colder. Once they take your emergency then anything that might have been used as friendly credit plus the payback fee.l. you can be putting £50 on to be left with £4 or so in credit. Then you transfer it from meter to meter and they still charge you another 20% bill payment fee. Over £150 in debt and I only been with them for 2 months.
  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    @stj2006 Hey there, I have replied to your comments on the main Power Payback thread you have also been posting on here.
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  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    @stj2006 Hey there, I have replied to your comments on the main Power Payback thread you have also been posting on here.
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