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  • Gosport69's Avatar
    Level 2
    I have a home phone only. To get a account with utilita you have to have a valid UK mobile number.
    I thought I had got round that problem as I am joining utilita Sep 1st 2024. But my e-mail and original password has not been recognised, utilita has a new updated security 12 + password with upper, numbers with an unusual key. (with out sending a e-mail to me about that )
    As I would like to get a smart meter fitted but can't get thought to any help, and the contact bot is a total wast of time. As I have not booked a date for my smart meters to be fitted! To book an appointment, call us on 03452 072 000.
    Total wast of time and money.
    This has 2 options nether of which is book a date to have smart meter fitted and 9 mins later you find that out.
  • 2 Replies

  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    @Gosport69 Sorry to hear that! If you are now a lice customer, I can certainly get this escalated on your behalf. Can you pop me a private mail using the link in my signature below with your full address & customer ref number & email.

    I am your Community Manager! 😀

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    Feel free to message me any time by clicking here
  • Gosport69's Avatar
    Level 2
    Went to the Gosport shop through the rain and they sort it thanks. Hope you had a good weekend. I mite not need to buy a mobility phone thank you and utilita. Just need to make shore the Smart Metre is not fitted Neutral/Live around the wrong way. The SM come in only one color? If not please may I have a Blue one.
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