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  • melissa26503's Avatar
    Level 2
    Since Friday I have been trying to talk to an advisor on live chat the amount of times I have typed my email adress in is unreal.The moral of the story is that my electric has been powered up which I do think this is a very good, but then it goes on to friendly credit to which if you have no money to top up and pay the power up debt off then you are sinking in to more debt with the friendly credit on top of all this . I did not k ow that direct debit was an option so because I get paid monthly this is the better option for me so I applied on the app to pay monthly but i do not know if today now my electric will switch off, I am unable to top it up and I need my electric supply on now as my daughter has just brought her new born baby home from the hospital . I struggle with mental health and have severe depression I am at a loss I need to speak to someone that can help me keep my electric on .
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  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    @melissa26503 Hi there Melissa.

    If you need an urgent call, please use the link in my signature to private mail me your full name, address & best contact number & I can arrange a priority call back for you if you are still struggling to get through. Monday's are incredibly busy for the Utilita Contact Centre, however phone lines should be clearer now.
    I am your Community Manager! 😀

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