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  • Dave's Avatar
    Level 1
    No longer able to pay money on my utilita app. Information hidden. No expecting yo get gas reading inside a small room that can barely get into with No light yo press 9 twice. I am on disabilities . I was told 2 weeks ago electric message can't connect between gas and electric metre. I have a neighbour who had it done 10 years ago on utilita. I've live here 2 years and at first struggled with a card to press in 20 sized numbees bent over in a tight cupboard that's door doesn't fully open. I've luckily been using utilita app. But now it's taken away my connection to pay gas on line. And just expects metre reading.
    Yours an old aged disabled man.
  • 1 Reply

  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    @Dave Hi there - sorry to hear this has suddenly sopped working.

    I can certainly get this escalated to the relevant department in the business to see what has caused this, and work to get a resolution in place.

    Can you pop me a direct mail using the link in my signature with your full address, customer reference number and best contact number please?

    I am your Community Manager! 😀

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