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  • Jojo365's Avatar
    Level 1
    I’ve been topping up my gas daily as it keeps running out before 24hrs is even up.
    surely there has to be a fault with the meter as I only live in a small two bed bungalow and the only thing I use gas for is heating and hot water and I’ve not even had the heating on that much but yet £10 is not even lasting me a 24 hour period is there anybody else having the same issue?.
    I topped up 30 on Monday then 10 yesterday ( Wednesday) and it went this morning again already.
    electic says I use more throughout the night than the day when mostly everything is switched off? I know the prices were going up this month but it says I’m using about 6 pounds in a 24 hours period yet it’s taking all of the money and wants me to go into the emergency.
  • 2 Replies

  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    @Jojo365 Hey there!

    As this sounds extremely unusual - I wanted to step in as the Community Manager and ask if you could send me your full address, and best contact number via private mail using the link in my signature?

    I am your Community Manager! 😀

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  • Jojo365's Avatar
    Level 1
    i am not sure how to do that, also not sure I should be sharing that information as I am not sure who you are.
    kind regards
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