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  • Snowstar0571's Avatar
    Level 1
    What's happened to being able to Top up online or on the My Utilita app
    I can no longer top up on the website or the App
    I'm disabled and housebound and luckily my husband , who is also my carer , can get to the local shop but what if he couldn't . We have no one else to ask
    Are those of us without Smart meters being punished for not having one ?
  • 1 Reply

  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    @Snowstar0571 Hi there!

    Sorry to hear you are having trouble with topping-up.

    In order to top-up via these smart online top-up methods, it has always been a requirement to have a smart meter in order to do so.

    Can you clarify you have a smart meter for me - and if you have previously used the My Utilita app to top-up, and if so, how long it has not been working for you?

    I am your Community Manager! 😀

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