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  • markawes's Avatar
    Saturday 6th I spent £18.94 using 33.34kWh
    Sunday 7th was £11.19 using 43.65kWh
    Monday 8th was £23.67 using 42.85kWh

    Surely something is wrong here?

    My unit 1 rate is 87.960p
    Unit 2 is 31.540p
    Night Rate is 20.44p

    I'm on ELEC-Midlands-Smart Energy-02147-hour E7

    This is electricity use.
    Last edited by markawes; 12-01-24 at 00:12. Reason: Add night rate
  • 1 Reply

  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    @markawes Hey there!

    Without having access to your account it would be very hard to comment.

    I would be happy to get a member of out Billing Team to investigate these concern points for you and make sure everything looks correct and is explained and discussed to your satisfaction.

    I would just need you to pop a private mail to me using the link in my signature with your full address and best contact number.

    I am your Community Manager! 😀

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