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  • melissa26503's Avatar
    Level 2
    5 months of waiting for my vouchers that keep getting sent yet then there’s something to do with paypoint . I actually thought after a few telephone calls with Sam it would get sorted by now . Was told last week it would be this week . Check your spam in box everything I do it religiously daily. I always lived with managing my house never asked for help just got by but we got by. Since now gas and electric have rocked I’ve had to go to food banks stay at my sisters because electric run out . But now it’s a case of getting into debt with paying my rent because I’m not getting the promised help. The thing I carnt understand is why my first £67 came in October then after that it’s an issue a big issue
  • 2 Replies

  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    @melissa26503 Hi there. Sorry to hear this. From what I understand from getting urgent calls escalated for you - you had changed your email address and had not updated it with us - so this is why the first lot of vouchers escalated for you did not reach your email. This then meant that Sam had to re-request these to be produced again and sent to the updated email address. I know this was just over a week ago and we advise 2 weeks for PayPoint to produce these and then send them out. I know that we have managed to get other payments sent to you via text message too.

    As mentioned, these will come through within 2 weeks of when Sam told you now we have the correct email address given to us by you.

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  • melissa26503's Avatar
    Level 2
    Hi I keep getting reminders regarding my December and januarys vouchers not been redeemed but although I’ve received an email I don’t have any barcodes sent for me to redeem them thanks
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