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  • oneannoyedcustomer's Avatar
    Typing this after spending another hour queuing trying to speak to an Advisor.
    I reported my smart meter not working first week of Jan. Was sent a new one 22nd jan that also does not work. Whilst waiting for the replacement in January I tried to make contact via your chat service regarding another issue, and after waiting 2 hours and 40 mins the advisor took my info and then cut the chat off- thankfully I screenshotted this as you didnt follow up with a text of the conversation as promised! (thanks Simpwe)
    I tried again two days later and found 382 people in the queue - again I took a screenshot as you simply cannot reach them on the phone either- again having tried to call them and waiting over an hour an half which i have also screenshotted!
    I emailed to complain both via your contact page and via email about the appalling service on the 24th Jan- the same day that I called to advise that the new smart meter wasnt working. After waiting an hour and half to speak to someone, he did not understand the issue- or was unaware of my previous contact with you- and he said it would be fixed within 10 days. I asked how I would know it was fixedand he said 'we might text you'. Its now 12 days over the 10days and the meter still doesnt work and you have made no contact.
    To wind me up further I topped up on the 1st feb, in the morning whilst i was in work, I got home from work and the credit never went on- i tried to enter the manual way- as i have been doing for the past month. I had an incomplete message. I topped up another £5 and this showed immediately. Once again tried to call you and was waiting over an hour. I then waited an hour on chat the next day and spoke to someone who insisted i just needed to enter the code into the meter- even though I have told her this is not working and i have tried several times. I am still down the £15 and you have not refunded as per you advice.
    The service provided by this company is absolutely abhorrent. I would highly recommend leaving if you can. I have copies of all correspondence i have tried to make and have now made contact with the Ombudsman
    Someone called 'Adam' called from your complaints team finally on Friday whilst I was in work he left a voicemail saying he would call back. Of course he did not call me back.
  • 5 Replies

  • Rebecca's Avatar
    Head of Community
    @oneannoyedcustomer Hi there - sorry to hear that! As your Community Manager I can get this escalated back into the business and alert the Complaints Department to get a call back to you.

    If you would like me to do that then please send me a private mail via the link in my signature - with your customer ref number and I can get this in motion.

    I am your Community Manager! 😀

    To post a new thread about anything you like click here

    Feel free to message me any time by clicking here
  • oneannoyedcustomer's Avatar
    Hi Rebecca,

    I have responded as per your msg

    Thank you
  • oneannoyedcustomer's Avatar
    Your complaints advisor has called me this afternoon/ evening. I would like to say, they were fantastic. They knew the issue, they took time to listen- understood what I was actually saying and immediately identified why my meter wasnt working. And even though it turns out you have sent me the wrong smart meter- which is why it has never worked (the advisor I spoke to when i reported this on the 24th, had no idea) and even though I will have to wait a further 14 days for the right one to be delivered- your advisor was fantastic. Unfortunately I did not get their name but I want to relay my appreciation after the frustration the past month or so.
  • oneannoyedcustomer's Avatar
    WELL! Here I am in 5th April. (Fault reported first week of january)
    Still no sign of my replacement smart meter. The lady who called me regarding my complaint - this was in february- had advised that you had sent me out the incorrect replacement smart meter and this was why this had not been working. She would send out a new meter and it would just be plugged in and working. She apologised and said it would not be until mid march posted out by royal mail- like the previous one. It was annoying to have to wait ANOTHER month until March but at this point i was done with trying to get anything faster. It did not arrive.
    Today at 2pm I receive a text saying an engineer will be out tomorrow between 1-5. If i am not in (which I wont be as you have given me less than 24 hours notice and I work fulltime) to call the number provided.
    So I call your number. I wait 1hr 20 mins and finally connect to Madison. She doesnt understand any of the issue I am having and asks if I have called the number on the text- I said yes and I got you- at this point she still hadnt taken any details, and just said the apt cannot be changed. So I advise her to take my details and look at my account so she can see that this has been going on for now 4 months- ridiculous when it should just a be simple fix of replacing a faulty meter- I try to ask why her why you suddenly need access to install the meter when i was advised previously this would be posted via royal mail and also why can this not be changed when you have given me so little notice of access being required. She puts me on hold. Comes back after some time and says 'congratulations your new meter is being installed tomorrow' as if she has not paid attention to one word i have said! If I had not been so angry at this point i would of laughed! My frustration at this point with your company has stretched beyond belief. I said I told you this at the start of the call and that I will not be home. She tells me the next available apt is 4th May!!!
    This is so unacceptable its begs believe that you can even provide this as a service. And still no explanation as to why access is now needed. And no follow up call from your complaints team as previously promised.
    Last edited by oneannoyedcustomer; 05-04-23 at 16:16.
  • oneannoyedcustomer's Avatar
    Me again!
    Following your last contact I did not receive a call from "Luke". What I did get was a text late afternoon to advise an engineer would be round to install the meter the next day. Firstly i was told by the original complaint handler that you had sent out the wrong meter and she had arranged for the correct one to be posted and could just be plugged in. Now with less than 12 hours notice you need access to the property. I work fulltime. SO I called your customer services and she was again the most unhelpful, saying the next appointment was a month away- I reported this in January. I asked for a manager to call me back as this is getting ridiculous now. She said it would be that evening. They did not call me. I was in work the next day and had a text confirming the apt for that day!!!!!!!!!! I called AGAIN and she cancelled the engineer but said i would have to wait a month. - now bear in mind this call took nearly an hour an half in my work time again! I asked AGAIN for a manager to call me back, She said within 24 hours. No callback.
    You have now added a charge for me not sending my old meter back to you!! I am flabbergasted. The original complaint handler told me this wouldnt happen as it still worked if you turned it on- it goes off after 5 mins (even with new batteries and using the plug- HENCE the fault) - it gives me enough time to allow me to check my readings before going off. So I was advised to keep this until you replaced it!!! I am astounded you are doing this to me. I have complained continuously since February about something that should be so straightforward to resolve. This charge had better be take off my account. You are putting me through so much undue stress i cannot believe!!!
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