In march 2022, Our in-home display device that tells us our usage and balance stopped responding. The screen itself couldn't be pressed but we would still get notifications on it that we couldn't dismiss. I contacted utilita on;

  • March 8th 2022 - They said they would send out a replacement.
  • April 9th 2022 - I contacted utilita to say i hadn't received it yet. They said there had been an issue with stock and now had stock so would send one out.
  • April 21st 2022 - I contacted utilita again to say i hadn't received it still, i was told they would re-issue the request.
  • June 2021 - I contacted utilita once again, I was told they'd re-issue the request.
  • November 2022 - ^ same as above, i contacted utilita to say how long it'd been, they said they would re-issue the request.
  • December 27th 2022 - I contacted utilita for the last time, stating how long it had been, that had not received it. They said it was down on the system as requested but they would cancel all previous requests and issue one right there and then and said it could take up to 2 weeks.

Today - I still haven't received one. I'm beginning to think i'm never going to get this replacement and i don't know what to do. You can probably find all this proof that i've contacted in chat logs and stuff throughout the year if you work at utilita. Any advice on what I should do would be greatly appreciated.