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  • Bugmouse's Avatar
    Level 1
    I’ve tried on numerous occasions to talk to someone to register a new tenant at a property serviced by Utilita . My previous tenant was also unsuccessful in getting through to you resulting in her losing her goeverment help vouchers as this property is metered . I would like my current tenant to not miss out on this help . I also changed to utilita 3 years ago now on the basis I would get a smart meter but still no smart metre offered . Please can anyone tell me how you communicate with this company without spending hours listening to all the things on offer that are not relevant to your call ?
  • 4 Replies

  • CeironG's Avatar
    Level 3
    @Bugmouse honestly the only time i had any success was 8 am in the morning. I was advised by web chat generally its very quiet then. Although still waiting for them create me an account .....
  • Bugmouse's Avatar
    Level 1
    @CeironG Thank you for that so how long have you been waiting now for your account set up ?
  • CeironG's Avatar
    Level 3
    I filled in the online form 25th November. Spoke to someone over a week ago now and they took a copy of my tennancy by email. Still waiting to hear back.
  • Nelly's Avatar
    Level 1
    I'm in the same boat! No-one ever answers the phone. I am trying to set up an account into my name from my tenant. I completed the move form for this on 1st Dec. Had auto confirmation but that's all. Frustratingly their sales line is answered immediately but they simply transfer you. I'm terrified of losing supply and aware that my top ups are "gifts" to my old tenant rather than actual payments on my account. I have no idea what on earth I can do and feel I'm living day to day with my energy supply. Not exactly a first world problem!!!
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