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  • JGA's Avatar
    Level 2
    Let's not mince words.
    Utilita are one of the worst companies in the country.
    They treat their customers with utter contempt.
    They ignore emails.
    They ignore messages via the app.
    They do their best to ignore phone calls.
    Their CEO is Bill Bullen. You may have seen him on TV, a true reflection of Utilita - useless.
    Their latest trick is to hang on to the government subsidy for as long as they dare.
    Mine hasn't been added to my account. It wasn't last month either.
    Someone called Russ embarrassed himself by claiming it had been paid. Poor old Russ wasn't too good at primary school arithmetic - that's sums to you Russ - and he was quite insistent.
    Eventually though he managed to put two and two together. Utilita had got it wrong - again - so he took the coward's way out and blamed a technical fault.
    The thing is though, everything about Utilita is faulty. Everything about this company reeks of bad management and staff who don't give a stuff.
    From Bungling Bill Bullen to gormless Russ, Utilita are a disgrace.
  • 5 Replies

  • Mrdean123's Avatar
    Level 1
    @JGA I can say I've been ignored too also I have had the phone put down on me after waiting for over an hour on 2 occasions now..
    totally unacceptable behaviour..!!
  • JGA's Avatar
    Level 2
    Something needs to be done about Utilita. They are taking us all for fools. I'm in my mid-seventies and have never come across such a shockingly bad company.

    Their CEO, Bill Bullen, has been bleating about not being able to afford enough staff. Meanwhile he pays himself an eye-watering amount, plus the sort of perks most of us could live on.

    Ignoring your customers, Mr Bullen, is downright ignorant.

    I've just been cut off having been on the phone for more than an hour.

    I was number 226 in the webchat queue and was then informed no advisor was available.

    I could send an email of course. I've sent plenty in the past, every one of them ignored.

    Yes, ignorant Iis spot on, Mr Bullen. You are a disgrace.
    Last edited by JGA; 14-12-22 at 11:50.
  • Citizen83's Avatar
    Level 5
    Couldn't agree with you more. Utter, mammoth disgrace.

    Bill Bullen is always crying poverty, wouldn't be surprised if they went bust sooner or later.

    Either that, or just re-nationalise the lot of them - so their main aim is to serve the needs of the public, and not a bunch of tax dodging shareholders.
  • Grae129's Avatar
    Level 1
    @Citizen83 Well said and 100% agree, these energy companies have had it their own way long enough. Nationalise these companies including the transport network 100%.
  • Citizen83's Avatar
    Level 5
    Almost EVERY state-owned apparatus has gradually been sold off over the years, its like someone has simply carved up the cow and sold chunks off until the cow is just bones.

    Just my opinion - but if I had a say in the realms of decision making I'd be pushing for legislation to be passed to prevent the sale of PUBLICLY OWNED services, things WE the people OWN, and we all depend upon. They are not the government's private property to sell off as, when, how and to who they choose.

    When their business goes t*tts-up, as they often do - in the end it is the state that has to come to the rescue as we've seen with so many of the rail operators. The S#£% will hit the electric fan sooner or later!
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