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  • Pinkprincess's Avatar
    Level 1
    I have recently had my gas meter changed as the last one (been in less than a year) had a blank screen and wasn't showing any information.
    the replacement was put into default mode and stopped communicating, during the week my electricity meter stopped communicating too.
    An engineer came out, got both meters communicating but I was unable to top up as he'd not given me a 60 digit code to unlock vend mode. I got this sorted eventually and topped up my meters. My electricity tariff had changed so again I had to get this sorted out, and my gas tariff has been charging me the higher rate for the first 60kwh of gas used instead of 2kwh(still waiting to get this sorted).
    I have checked the app this morning as I know the government energy payment goes on today and my gas says I was £139 in emergency credit. My husband finished running his bath and this shot up to £166 in emergency credit. There Is money on my meter as I topped up £50 on tuesday and how can I owe £166 in emergency credit when I've only used £92 of gas over the last 30 days and topped up a total of £130.
    I can't get through on the phone as I get cut off before my calls are answered and although I've had help through here my problems have not been resolved.
    I have spent a week trying to get thi sorted out and I will be making an official complaint as I have the evidence to prove whats been happening.
    has anyone else had similar issues, and were they sorted out?
    my emergency credit is now £194 in just over 30 mins
    now at £222
    now at £251
    now at £278
    Last edited by Pinkprincess; 02-12-22 at 10:29. Reason: Change
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