Has your supply totally gone off and you are wondering how to get it back on? Don't panic!
Restore your supply by following these simple steps:
1. Firstly, you need to check your electricity and/or gas meter has gone back into positive credit
2. To check your balance on the main electricity and/or gas meter, push the red B button on the keypad
3. If you are not in positive credit, you will need to top-up an amount that will get your overall meter(s) balance to at least £0.01 positive credit
4. Once you have done this, you can restore your supply by going to your electricity and/or gas meter and push A, A, B on the keypad
5. Your supply will now be restored!
For a step-by-step guide, please watch our handy video below! 👍
Last edited by Rebecca; 13-11-20 at 13:02.